Complicated Ideas
Made Simple

My approach involves recognizing that each course has its own purpose and audience. I work with the Subject Matter Experts and others to gain a true understanding of both, then use the Articulate tool to bend that information into digestible and clear instruction.

Video Courses

job changes in workday video
How Much Could You Save with AXIM video

Selected Works

link to software implementation example pdf
Software Implementation
link to intro for new hires example pdf
Introduction to a System for New Hires
link to field guide example pdf
Quick Reference for Field Employees
link to Benefit Services Core Philosophy pdf
Benefit Services Core Philosophy

Course Design

Bradley Adamczyk

Reviewing a Purchase File in Encompass as a Processor

Purchase File Review Process

A course meant to walk experienced, but new, processors aboard and review a basic file along with the details and processes that come with it. 

  1. Consulted with our processing team and created a High-Level Design Document (see ID portfolio for example) to establish expectations, time-frames, and beyond
  2. Created the outline, course design, and a chapter structure easy for an experience processor to follow and understand
  3. Directed an SME in recording the process, created the course in Articulate, developed the assessments, and completed the review process before publishing

How-To Guide for Processors Using a System

A live course/reference guide for all of our processing team as they were using the Bridge system in conjunction with their daily work.

  1. Learned the Bridge system from an SME and cross-referenced that information with the processing department to establish what was needed
  2. Created the outline, course design, and a chapter structure easy for an experience processor to follow and understand
  3. Completed the course and the approval process before publishing